Looking to help our organization? We would love to add you to our list of generous sponsors!
The Delaware County Futbol Club (DCFC) was established in 2009 as the combination of the StarSoccer and Delaware County United soccer clubs. We are an affiliate of Indiana Soccer and a nonprofit 501c(3) organization. We have two outdoor soccer facilities, that serve not only Delaware County, but the better part of East Central Indiana. We also have an indoor facility, called "The Cave". These facilities help support our growing recreational, travel, and adult programs. DCFC believes that certain costs are necessary to support a competitive soccer program but that they should never be a barrier to the wishes of any child. We offer scholarships to make it possible for more children to play recreational and travel soccer. To support its growth and its goals, DCFC also reaches out with partnership and sponsorship opportunities to companies that we believe hold similar values.
If you are interested in supporting our organization, please take a look at our partner packages and email dcfc.partner@gmail.com with your interest. Thank you!